1.3.2 Bug修复版本的变化——apply_methods time_methods现在正确地产生结果的自定义data.frames列没有从左到右排序变化版本1.1.3 Bug修复,数据加载功能现在出现在包索引和文档的变化版本1.1.2 Bug修复- make_combinations与tidyr 1.0.0修改更新更新了WritingWrappers装饰图案。——增加了一个案例研究预编译的装饰图案。1.1.1版本新特性的变化,添加any_task_errors()函数来检查基准宠物猫的任何任务失败。更改版本0.99.10 -接受Bioconductor。新功能——添加新小插曲Tidyverse包装模式和方法。修改- fn_arg_seq()现在有一个.strict提供参数检查参数实际上是在函数中使用。默认是假的,之前检查总是这样做,但它失败的调度函数的使用方法。- pipeline_collapse()现在有一个data.name理由如果数据集的名称应该保存在管道字符串。如果只使用一个数据集有用。- arrow_sep()现在使用ascii字符(只有左和右)而非unicode。 Unicode arrows fail when ggplots in rmarkdown is compiled into PDF, a common enough use-case for this to be concerning. Changes in version 0.0.7 Modifications - purrr version number requirement set to (>= 0.3.0) because of argument name change in partial() - Documentation reorganised to clean up package documentation index. - Added landing page for ?CellBench Changes in version 0.0.6 New Features - Added propagation for errors. - Added task_error class for errors. - Added print method for task_error objects. Changes in version 0.0.5 New Features - Added "Timing" vignette to explain time_methods. - Changed apply_methods() to continue on errors and return error object in result column. Changes in version 0.0.4 Breaking Changes - Changed .name arguments in time_methods() and apply_methods() to name. New Features - Added time_methods function. - Added set_cellbench_bpparam for more advanced parallelism options. Changes in version 0.0.3 New Features - Implemented parallel application of methods to benchmark_tbl, previously only worked for dataset lists. - Added fn_list constructor. - Added data_list constructor. Changes in version 0.0.2 Bug Fixes - Fixed bug in apply_methods() causing it to fail when more than 1 thread is used. Modifications - Updated introduction vignette to describe multithreading and function caching. Changes in version 0.0.1 - Minimal functioning package created. - Compliant with BiocCheck::BiocCheck() and goodpractice::goodpractice().