版本1.0.5的变化-更新R版本要求的小插图。1.0.3版更改-修复了“qnarrow后雪茄为空”的错误。1.0.2版的变化-更新小插图修复错别字。1.0.1版的变化-通过添加背景颜色来更新小插图,以便更好地理解管道。0.99.91版本的变化-将y轴标签从频率更改为plot Distance2Codon的频率。-更新小插图。0.99.9版更改-重置test_estimatePsite。0.99.8版的改动-减少了测试时间。0.99.6版的更改-修复了plot中plot的警告缺失环节。0.99.5版更改-更新ggBar函数以接受更多颜色。 - update readsEndPlot function with shift parameter. - update plotDistance2Codon function with a range of plot window - add codonUsage function. Changes in version 0.99.4 - update the description in DESCRIPTION. - update help files. Changes in version 0.99.3 - change the link from AtomicList to AtomicList-class and RUVs-methods to RUVs. - shorter lines < 80 characters. - spead up coverageDepth Changes in version 0.99.2 - remove .DS_Store Changes in version 0.99.1 - decrease the size of the package - simplify and add parameter anchor for the estimatePsite function. - add parameter normByLibSize for function translationalEfficiency - add more test files. - update documentations. Changes in version 0.99.0 - Submit to Bioconductor. Changes in version 0.0.6 - Remove sapply. Changes in version 0.0.1 - Create the package.