0.1.6 +添加新闻文件+添加“宽容”理由m / z宽容cossim()和distanceMatrix() +添加访问器功能“MS2spectrum”和“pseudospectrum”对象+添加可运行例子对于所有的导出函数+一些格式和风格变化0.1.7 +添加极性槽MS2spectrum类和各自的节目()通用+添加极性访问器+添加提取极性信息从原始数据到extractMS2spectra() 0.1.8 +补充道“…”CluMSID_MDSplot (),CluMSID_HCplot (),clclsid_opticsplot()允许自定义plot外观0.1.9 + Featurelist()和writeFeaturelist()现在也与“伪光谱”对象列表一起工作+ extractPseudospectra()中强度提取的错误修正+教程更新0.1.10 +添加splitPolarities()函数+添加specplot()函数0.1.11 +添加缺失建议+更新文档和gc - eib - ms vignette 0.1.12 +更新vignette依赖0.1.13 +更新R版本依赖到3.6 +代码样式更改0.1.14 +删除inst/extdata(现在在clclsiddata中)0.99.0 + Bioconductor提交0.99.1 +删除。rhistory +更改导入为“show”+删除GC_post.csv在clclsiddata中导致Linux和OS X错误的无效字符0.99.2 +开始避免类()函数检查类+小代码样式更改0.99.3 +添加缺失依赖为is() 0.99.4 +减小小块的大小0.99.5 +修改数据导入为clclsid MTBLS小块0.99.6 + MTBLS小块0.99.7的错误修复+ further reduced size of vignettes 0.99.8 + Bioconductor review I: DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE + added URL and BugReports to DESCRIPTION + started importing all packages into NAMESPACE + abandoned "CluMSID_" prefix and renamed respective functions + changed all function names to camel case starting with lower case letters 0.99.9 + Bioconductor review II: R, part one + provided all 'type' argument options as vector + added '...' argument to specplot() + changed function to convert MSnbase objects from 'convertSpectrum(x)' to 'as.MS2spectrum(x)' / 'as(x, "MS2spectrum")' + various minor code changes with no visible effect for users 0.99.10 + Bioconductor review II: R, part two + replaced nested for-loop inside distanceMatrix() 0.99.11 + fixed bug in new distanceMatrix(), now coerces numeric IDs to character 0.99.12 + Bioconductor review II: R, part three + added MS2spectrum methods for MSnbase/ProtGenerics generics + minor code changes with no visible effect for users 0.99.13 + changed download instructions to BiocManager::install() 1.3.1 + fixed bug in mergeMS2spectra when used with external peaktable