版本1.5.1的更改------------------------------- o修复了由不建议的函数sjstats :: eta_sq()引起的错误。+在'md_perform_zoning.r'中,function'sjstats :: eta_sq()'已弃用。代替使用“ LSR :: etasquared()”。+在“描述”中,从“导入”中删除了“ sjstats”;将“ LSR”添加到“进口”中;从“建议”中删除了“地球”。+不再从Vignettes中的Geo下载数据。在Inst/ExtData中添加了数据文件。数据仅由小插图使用。+“名称空间”由Roxygen重新生成。 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.1/1.3.2 ------------------------- o Fixed a bug of always using Enssembl US server to annotate the genes. o Updated the description in the DESCRIPTION file. o Updated the citations. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.9 ------------------------- o Added clutering method: Multi-channel weighted univariate clustering. o In function MD.Chr.zoning.Granges(), if only using one core, stop calling parallel computing. o Correct a bug in function MD.rank.statistic(). ANOVA requires every group has no less than 2 elements. If not, report p-value 1 directly. o Fixed the mal-formated NEWS file. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.8 ------------------------- o Solved problem connecting to GitHub and bioconductor git server. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.7 ------------------------- o Solved problem connecting to GitHub and bioconductor git server. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.6 ------------------------- o Solved problem connecting to GitHub and bioconductor git server. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.5 ------------------------- o Solved problem connecting to GitHub and bioconductor git server. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.4 ------------------------- o Modified R document files. + Corrected typos. + Replaceded "expression" with "activity", because not only expression can be analyzed, but also all kinds of gene activity. + Replaced the "GenomicOZone list" with "GenomicOZone object". CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.3 ------------------------- o Replaced c(1:nrow()) into seq_len(nrow()) to avoid potential issues. o Modified the vignettes to avoid long lines in code chunks. o Renamed parameter 'p.value.cutoff' with 'alpha'. o Renamed parameter 'effect.size.rate' with 'min.effect.size'. o Updated .bib files. Added missing citations. Removed duplicated citations. o Replace all c(1:...) with seq_len(). o Replaced the \texttt in vignettes Rmd file with a correct format using "``". o Replaced the \textit in vignettes Rmd file with a correct format using "**". o Adjusted the image size in vignettes Rmd file. o Updated R documents. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.2 ------------------------- o Submitted on 2019-08-18 o Added joemsong as a coresponding auther to the submission. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.1 ------------------------- o Submitted on 2019-08-17 o Reformatted the package for Bioconductor submission. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.0 ------------------------- o Submitted on 2019-08-17 o Packed the completed package.