版本1.71.1的更改-------------------------------- o rda已删除,所有参考均已删除o hclustwidget中的错误禁止使用更多功能比样本 - 这是版本1.67.10的固定更改------------------------------------------------ fix ES2DF(对于R 4.0.0)设置stringsasfactor = true o添加单元测试1.67.1中的单元测试更改--------------------------------------------------- o rda已移至“增强”及其使用is conditional its presence <2019-01-05> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.59.2 ------------------------- o Fix warning stemming from base::mlinterfaces中的seq_len ::: mliconverter.svm <2018-04-12- -- -- -- -- -- o Accommodate new points3d syntax in threejs::scatterplot3d for plspinHcube <2018-01-20 Sat> o remove references to rgl, it is not loading on MacOS and threejs seems to suffice CHANGES IN VERSION 1.51.1 ------------------------- o Suggest rather than import rgl <2016-08-17 Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.49.8 ------------------------- o Enable learnerIn3D customisation <2015-07-28 Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.49.7 ------------------------- o fix proper asNA0 propagation in performance analytics functions (implemented 2014-10-16 Thu, commited on 2015-07-28 Tue) CHANGES IN VERSION 1.49.1 ------------------------- o add hclustWidget CHANGES IN VERSION 1.41.3 ------------------------- o Fix codoc mismatch [2014-08-29 Fri] CHANGES IN VERSION 1.41.2 ------------------------- o performance analytics has new naAs0 argument [2014-07-04 Fri] o cleaning up imports/depends/suggests as reported by check with R 3.2 [2014-08-15 Fri] CHANGES IN VERSION 1.41.1 ------------------------- o new peformance analytics functions (lgatto) <2013-04-30 Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.41.0 ------------------------- o bump for Bioc devel 2.13 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.40.0 ------------------------- o bump for Bioc stable 2.12 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.39.5 ------------------------- o ksvmI test/trainScores are have now rownames. Resulted in error in predScores. <2013-03-12 Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.39.4 ------------------------- o plsda prediction returns prob matrix instead of array of [, , 1] dims (lgatto) <2013-03-09 Sat> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.39.3 ------------------------- o fixed predScores (lgatto) <2013-03-01 Fri> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.39.2 ------------------------- o macroF1 fix ans with na.rm o fixed macro F1 score (lgatto) <2013-01-18 Fri> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.39.2 ------------------------- o fixed macro F1 score (lgatto) <2013-01-18 Fri> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.39.1 ------------------------- o not scaling kmeans' partition in partPlot (lgatto) <2012-11-10 Sat> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.37.1 ------------------------- o added NEWS file (lgatto) <2012-04-02 Mon> o renamed 'predScores' to 'predScore' and new 'predScores' method that returns the full prediction score matrix (lgatto) <2012-04-02 Mon> o remove ununsed t argument for predScore (lgatto) <2012-04-02 Mon> o changed maxit to maxiter in RAB4es and decr to decreasing in fs.absT (partial argument matching note during checking) (lgatto) <2012-04-02 Mon> o fixed predScores <2012-04-03 Tue>