mscoretils 1.11.2版本的更改-在C中重新实现between(参见issue #105)。-使用符号调用已注册的C方法,以实现更快的查找(参见PR #106和编写R扩展:将包转换为使用注册)。-文档改进:在MLE imputation段落中明确提及impute_mle2()。MsCoreUtils 1.11.1 -向(相关的)imputation函数添加一个MARGIN参数,以支持(并使其显式)沿哪个维度(行或列)进行imputation。-新的impute_mle2()函数使用norm2(参见issue #100)。MsCoreUtils 1.11.0 -新的Bioconductor 3.17 (devel)版本1.10版本更改MsCoreUtils 1.10.0 -新的Bioconductor 3.16(稳定)版本更改1.9版本MsCoreUtils 1.9.2 - feat: imputation与HDF5Matrix对象兼容- feat:归一化与HDF5Matrix对象兼容- feat:矩阵聚合与HDF5Matrix对象兼容- fix+feat: aggregate_by_matrix现在正确处理丢失的数据并实现'na。rm' -修复rla/rowRla手册页。MsCoreUtils 1.9.1 -随机森林imputation(使用missForest)现在可用(' method = "RF")MsCoreUtils 1.7.4 -修复ppm总是返回一个正值(issue #94)。MsCoreUtils 1.7.3 -添加引用。MsCoreUtils 1.7.2 -默认使用Matrix:: colsum()来处理'Matrix'和'Matrix'邻接矩阵。 MsCoreUtils 1.7.1 - New aggregate_by_matrix() that uses an adjacency matrix to aggregate quantitative features. - Set colnames to the outputs of aggregate_by_matrix() and aggregate_by_vector() to make sure that these are always set and not reply on the underlying function. MsCoreUtils 1.7.0 - New Bioc devel version Changes in version 1.5 Changes in 1.5.1 - Add which.first and which.last. Changes in 1.5.0 - New Bioc devel version Changes in version 1.3 Changes in 1.3.3 - Add join_gnps and gnps to allow calculation of GNPS spectra similarity scores. Changes in 1.3.2 - Add rt2numeric(), rt2character() and formatRt(). - New impute_fun() function for user-provide imputation function. Changes in 1.3.1 - Add Josep Badia Aparicio as a contributor Changes in 1.3.0 - New Bioc devel version Changes in version 1.1 Changes in 1.1.7 - Rewrite c("left", "right", "inner", "outer") join in C <2020-10-06 Tue>. Changes in 1.1.6 - Rewrite closest in C <2020-09-24 Thu>. - Fix #65 and #66. Changes in 1.1.5 - Add ... to functions to join and compare peaks; see also #131. Changes in 1.1.4 - Change references to Feature to QFeatures <2020-07-14 Tue> - Ensure closest accept just argument tolerance of length 1 or length(x); see also #61, PR #62 <2020-08-07 Thu>. - The tolerance argument in closest should now be of length 1 or of length(x) (was length(table) before) <2020-08-20 Thu>. Changes in 1.1.3 - For an empty table closest and common return a vector of length x with NA or FALSE, respectively (instead of 1 and TRUE). Fixes #55 <2020-06-18 Thu>. - closest and common ignore NA in table <2020-06-19 Fri>. - Fix rbindFill for single data.frame or DataFrame as input <2020-06-23 Tue>. Changes in 1.1.2 - New colCounts() aggregation function <2020-05-27 Wed>. Changes in 1.1.1 - Add some popular distance/similarity metrices: ndotproduct neuclidean navdist nspectraangle; see also PR #33. - Add deprecation note to dotproduct <2020-05-22 Fri>. Changes in 1.1.0 - Bioconductor devel version (Bioc 3.12) Changes in version 1.0 Changes in 1.0.0. - Bioconductor release version (Bioc 3.11) Changes in version 0.99 MsCoreUtils 0.99.3 - Trigger build. MsCoreUtils 0.99.2 - Provide more comprehensive description. - Add vignette. MsCoreUtils 0.99.1 - Additional functions, and using Author@R to specify (unique) RforMassSpectrometry Package Maintainer. MsCoreUtils 0.99.0 - First release of MsCoreUtils with core function to get extreme values, grouping/matching, noise/smoothing, similarity measurements, various helper function, and function to process (impute and normalise) quantitative features.