版本1.63.0的更改-------------------------------------------错误修复O(1.63.1)用作者@r解析来修复错误,以进行视图更改在版本1.61.0中----------------------------------------增强o(1.61.1)添加了空间,spatialldata,空道工作,以区分版本的siglecell更改1.59.0 -------------------------------------增强o(1.57.3)添加生物观看术语差异差异ailialdna3structure o(1.57.2)添加cran套件以反向dependency list o (1.57.1) Add biocViews term Chlamydomonas_reinhardtii CHANGES IN VERSION 1.57.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o (1.57.5)新视图AntotationHubsoftware和persumimentHubSoftware错误修复了新闻生成中的O(1.57.4),修复格式。o(1.57.1)在视图生成修复中,但带有小插图。在梳理不同格式时,可能会删除以“ RNA”结尾的小插图标题。严格启动字符串检查的格式检查。版本1.55.0的更改----------------------------------------------------新功能o(1.55.2)printNews和getPackagedScriptions现在具有参数选项'relativelink“允许提供相对链接,而不是网站的硬编码URL。对于发布公告很重要。 BUG FIX o (1.55.1) If new package fails to build still include in release announcement and don't fail out for lack of version number. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.51.11 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o (1.51.7) Cross check views with manifest file so all expected bioconductor package get listed in biocViews. New argument to write_VIEWS manifestFile o (1.51.9) New argument to write_VIEWS meatPath. For packages that fail to build on any platform, use cloned repository DESCRIPTION file to fill in as much information to the biocVIEWS entry. o (1.51.10) Add new biocVIEW terms ImmunoOncolocy and ImmunoOncologyWorkflow. o (1.51.12) Allow NEWS file to be in .md format. R 3.6 started allowing NEWS, NEWS.Rd and newly NEWS.md formats. Adjust code accordingly. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.37.2 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Add new function recommendPackages for finding packages tagged with a set of biocViews.