clustComp 1.5.2的变化 ========================== 哪一个新特性添加到flatVShier ();如果绘制树状图的扩展版本,右边的彩色条显示基因如何分布在平坦的簇上。o新参数bar1。Col '和' bar2。在flatVShier()中的col '允许在绘制展开的树状图时调整彩色条。o flatVSflat()中的参数“weights”被“flat1”和“flat2”取代,以类推flatVShier()。o flatVSflat()中的新参数' greedy '允许在找到双图的最佳布局后显示在flatVShier()中的超集群之间的一对一映射。o新论点“贪婪”。colors '允许设置超星系团之间映射的可视化,如flatVShier()。o在SCmapping()中超星系团的可视化包括了新的标签和它们的大小。o内部函数drawTreeGraph()包含新参数的flat。obj”、“bar1。col’ and ‘bar2.col’ to display the second coloured bar and control the colours. Changes in clustComp 1.2.0 ========================== o Added new arguments ‘expression’, ‘layout’ and ‘ramp’ to flatVShier(), to provide more flexibility to the plot layout. NEW FEATURE: o The expanded version of the flatVShier() function allows adding the heatmap of the data, ordered according to the resulting hierarchical tree. BUG FIX o Fix bug in plotting the flatVSflat comparison. Changes in clustComp 1.0.0 ========================== o Release of the package.