在版本1.6.0的变化------------------------- o没有新的变化变化在版本1.4.07 ------------------------- o修复错误时,导出bsseq对象从methrix对象创建使用Methyldackel管道。问题:#26 change IN VERSION 1.4.05 ------------------------- o旋转x轴标签45度在报告o更新' methrix_pca() '屏幕图o添加引文变化在版本1.4.00 (Bioconductor版本)------------------------- o read_bedgraphs()支持床图文件从“Bismark_cov”,“MethylDackel”,“MethylcTools”,“BisSNP”,"BSseeker2_CGmap" o write_bedgraphs()支持输出到多床和metilene文件格式o write_bigwigs()将methrix对象导出为bigWigs CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.10 ------------------------- o BSgenome ref构建解析错误。问题:#24 o显示加载床图时缺少哪些cpg。问题:#22 o更快的HDF5处理。PR: #21没有在Manual write_bedgraphs()函数中包含SeqStyle选项。PE: #20 o在床图中添加了SeqlevelsStyle和trackline的参数。公关:# 19 1.2.06版本的变化 ------------------------- o修复BioC警告。1.2.05版本的变化 ------------------------- o Methrix情节错误修复。 Issue: #20 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.05 ------------------------- o Bugfixes in methrix report. Issue: #12 o Bugfixes in the coverge_filter function --> the output methrix is now sorted o Bugfixes in the subset_methrix function --> works on unsorted methrix o Bugfixes in read_bedgraphs function --> when all fields are present, parse_source_idx did not return M and U columns o Added group option to coverage_filter o Added prefix option to methrix_report o Added keep option to snp_removal o minor changes in plotting functions CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.0 ------------------------- o Submission to Bioconductor