如果(!requireNamespace(“BiocManager”,静静地=真正的))install.packages(“BiocManager”)::安装(“SpatialDecon”) BiocManager
图书馆(SpatialDecon)注册的S3方法被“GGally”覆盖:#>方法# > +。gg ggplot2
数据(“mini_geomx_dataset”)$归一化 规范=mini_geomx_dataset$生 生=mini_geomx_dataset$annot annot =mini_geomx_dataset昏暗的(原始)#> [1] 545 30头(annot)#> ROI AOI.name x y原子核# > ICP20th.L11.ICPKilo.ROI10.TME。B09 roi10 time 5400 8000 879# > ICP20th.L11.ICPKilo.ROI10.Tumor。B08 ROI10肿瘤5400 8000 555# > ICP20th.L11.ICPKilo.ROI11.TME。B11 roi11 tme 6000 8000 631# > ICP20th.L11.ICPKilo.ROI11.Tumor。B10 ROI11肿瘤6000 8000 569# > ICP20th.L11.ICPKilo.ROI12.TME.C01ROI12 TME 6600 8000 703# > ICP20th.L11.ICPKilo.ROI12.Tumor。B12 ROI12肿瘤6600 8000 667seq_len(5),seq_len(5)] 生(# > ICP20th.L11.ICPKilo.ROI10.TME。B09 ICP20th.L11.ICPKilo.ROI10.Tumor.B08#> a2m 76 20#> abcb1 9 15#> acp5 115 41#> adam12 12 12#> adora3 14 8# > ICP20th.L11.ICPKilo.ROI11.TME。B11 ICP20th.L11.ICPKilo.ROI11.Tumor.B10#> a2m 104 22#> abcb1 7 10#> acp5 176 56#> adam12 10 11#> adora3 10 13# > ICP20th.L11.ICPKilo.ROI12.TME.C01#> a2m#> abcb1#> acp5 120#> adam12#> adora3#更好的段名:colnames(规范)=colnames(生)=rownames(annot) =paste0(annot$ROI, annot$AOI.name)
#使用NegProbe来估计每个观测背景“NegProbe”,) per.observation.mean.neg =规范(#并定义一个背景矩阵,其中每一列(观察值)都是#每个观察背景的适当值:扫描(标准*0,2per.observation.mean.neg,“+”) bg =昏暗的(bg)#> [1] 545 30
背景估计注意:在使用两个探针集的研究中,来自每个探针集的基因将有不同的背景值,上面的代码应该使用每个探针集对应的NegProbe值分别运行。或者," derive_GeoMx_background "可以自动完成:
derive_GeoMx_background(规范=规范, bg2 =probepool =代表(1,nrow(标准)),negnames =“NegProbe”)
数据(“safeTME”)数据(“safeTME.matches”)signif(safeTME [seq_len(3.),seq_len(3.)),2)巨噬细胞肥大B.naive#> a2m 0.8500 0.044 0.0043#> 0.0021 0.023 0.0250#> abcb4 0.0044 0.000 0.2200的热图(扫描(safeTME1,应用(safeTME1max),“/”),labRow =NA,利润=c(10,5))
有关矩阵的完整列表,请参见CellProfileLibrary GitHub Page
download_profile_matrix(物种=“鼠标”, mousespleen < -age_group =“成人”,matrixname =“Spleen_MCA”)昏暗的(mousespleen)#> [1] 111251:4,1:4] mousespleen [# > Dendritic.cell.S100a4。高Dendritic.cell.Siglech.high#> 0610009B22Rik 0.02985075 0.0000000#> 0610010F05Rik 0.00000000 0.0000000#> 0610010K14Rik 0.02985075 0.0000000#> 0610012G03Rik 0.08955224 0.1111111粒细胞巨噬细胞#> 0610009B22Rik 0.00000000 0.00000000#> 0610010F05Rik 0.00000000 0.00000000#> 0610010K14Rik 0.00000000 0.03846154#> 0610012G03Rik 0.08571429 0.03846154头(cellGroups)# >美元树突“树突状细胞。s100a4。高Dendritic.cell.Siglech.high”# ># >美元粒细胞#>[1]“Granulocyte”# ># >美元巨噬细胞>[1]“巨噬细胞”# >#> $ '边缘区域B '#> [1] " margin .zone. b .cell"# ># >美元单核细胞“单核细胞”# ># > NK美元#> [1] "NK.cell" 元数据基质组织种类菌株年龄年龄组#> 33 MCA脾脏小鼠C57BL/6 6-10周成年# > URL#> 33 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29474909/# >引用33 Han, x等人。Microwell-Seq绘制小鼠细胞图谱。Cell172, 1091 - 1107。e17(2018)。的热图(扫描(mousespleen1,应用(mousespleen1max),“/”),labRow =NA,利润=c(10,5),cexCol =0.7)
这个小型单细胞数据集是Kinchen, J.等人的数据的一小部分。炎症性肠病中结肠间质的结构重构。175号,372-386。e17(2018)。
数据(“mini_singleCell_dataset”)$mtx@昏暗的#基因x细胞 mini_singleCell_dataset#> [1] 1814 250as.matrix(mini_singleCell_dataset$mtx) (1:4,1:4]# > ACTGCTCGTAAGTTCC。S90 TGAAAGAAGGCGCTCT。S66 AGCTTGAGTTTGGGCC。S66#> plekhn1 0 0 0#> perm1 0 0 0#> C1orf159 0 0 0#> ttll10 0 0 0# > ACGGCCATCGTCTGAA。S66#> plekhn1 0#> perm1 0#> C1orf159 0#> ttll10 0头(mini_singleCell_dataset$annots)#> celllid LabeledCellType#> 2660 actgctcgtaagttcc。S90基质细胞#> 2162 tgaaagaaggcgctct。S66胶质细胞#> 368 agcttgagtttgggcc。S66内皮细胞#> 238 acggccatcgtctgaa。S66基质细胞#> 4158 tctctaacactgttag。S90基质细胞#> 2611 acgatgtgtgtggttt。S90基质细胞表格(mini_singleCell_dataset$annots$LabeledCellType)# >内皮细胞胶质细胞#> 14 12周细胞浆细胞#> 3 30结肠基质细胞平滑肌细胞#> 1 190
create_profile_matrix(mtx =mini_singleCell_dataset$mtx,中#细胞x基因计数矩阵 custom_mtx < -cellAnnots =mini_singleCell_dataset$annots,以单元格类型和单元格名称作为列的# cell注释cellTypeCol =“LabeledCellType”,包含单元格类型的列cellNameCol =“CellID”,包含单元格ID/名称的列matrixName =“custom_mini_colon”,#最终配置文件矩阵的名称outDir =零,# path到所需的输出目录,如果不应该写入矩阵,则设置为NULL正常化=假,数据应该规范化吗?minCellNum =5,#创建概要文件所需的一种类型的最小单元格数量,独占minGenes =10,一个细胞中表达的最小基因数量scalingFactor =5,#最终矩阵的所有值应该乘以什么discardCellTypes =真正的)#应该过滤细胞类型,如有丝分裂,双重,低质量,未知等。#>[1]创建Atlas#>[1] "1 / 6:基质细胞"#>[1] "2 / 6:胶质细胞"#>[1] "3 / 6:内皮细胞"#>[1] "4 / 6:浆细胞"#>[1] "5 / 6:周细胞"#>警告create_profile_matrix(mtx = mini_singleCell_dataset$mtx, cellAnnots = mini_singleCell_dataset$annots,:#>周细胞从基质中删除,因为根据当前的过滤阈值,它没有足够的活细胞。如果这个单元格类型是必要的,考虑改变minCellNum或minGenes#>[1] "6 / 6:结肠平滑肌细胞"#>警告create_profile_matrix(mtx = mini_singleCell_dataset$mtx, cellAnnots = mini_singleCell_dataset$annots,:#>结肠平滑肌细胞从基质中删除,因为根据目前的过滤阈值,它没有足够的活细胞。如果这个单元格类型是必要的,考虑改变minCellNum或minGenes头(custom_mtx)基质细胞胶质细胞内皮细胞浆细胞#> plekhn1 0.0000000 0 0.0000000 0.05787067#> perm1 0.1167131 0 0.0000000 0.00000000#> C1orf159 0.0000000 0 0.0000000 0.07922668#> ttll10 0.00000000 0.1853931 0.00000000#> tas1r3 0.0000000 0 0.0000000 0.07039008#> atad3c 0.1219237 0 0.0000000 0.07922668的热图(扫描(custom_mtx1,应用(custom_mtx1max),“/”),labRow =NA,利润=c(10,5),cexCol =0.7)
图书馆(SeuratObject)#>附加sp数据(“mini_singleCell_dataset”)rownames(mini_singleCell_dataset$annots) < -mini_singleCell_dataset$annots$CellIDCreateSeuratObject(数=mini_singleCell_dataset$mtx,中 seuratObject < -元。数据=mini_singleCell_dataset$annots)鉴别(seuratObject) < -seuratObject$LabeledCellTyperm(mini_singleCell_dataset)data.frame(cbind(cellType =as.character(鉴别(seuratObject)), annots < -cellID =的名字(鉴别(seuratObject))))create_profile_matrix(mtx =seuratObject@化验$核糖核酸@计数, custom_mtx_seurat < -cellAnnots =annots,cellTypeCol =“cellType”,cellNameCol =“cellID”,matrixName =“custom_mini_colon”,outDir =零,正常化=假,minCellNum =5,minGenes =10)#>[1]创建Atlas#>[1] "1 / 6:基质细胞"#>[1] "2 / 6:胶质细胞"#>[1] "3 / 6:内皮细胞"#>[1] "4 / 6:浆细胞"#>[1] "5 / 6:周细胞"#>警告在create_profile_matrix(mtx = seuratObject@assays$RNA@counts, cellAnnots = annots,:#>周细胞从基质中删除,因为根据当前的过滤阈值,它没有足够的活细胞。如果这个单元格类型是必要的,考虑改变minCellNum或minGenes#>[1] "6 / 6:结肠平滑肌细胞"#>警告在create_profile_matrix(mtx = seuratObject@assays$RNA@counts, cellAnnots = annots,:#>结肠平滑肌细胞从基质中删除,因为根据目前的过滤阈值,它没有足够的活细胞。如果这个单元格类型是必要的,考虑改变minCellNum或minGenes头(custom_mtx_seurat)基质细胞胶质细胞内皮细胞浆细胞#> plekhn1 0.0000000 0 0.0000000 0.05787067#> perm1 0.1167131 0 0.0000000 0.00000000#> C1orf159 0.0000000 0 0.0000000 0.07922668#> ttll10 0.00000000 0.1853931 0.00000000#> tas1r3 0.0000000 0 0.0000000 0.07039008#> atad3c 0.1219237 0 0.0000000 0.07922668粘贴("custom_mtx和custom_mtx_seurat是相同的",所有(custom_mtx= =custom_mtx_seurat))"custom_mtx and custom_mtx_seurat are identical TRUE"
spatialdecon(规范=规范, res =bg =bg,X =safeTME,align_genes =真正的)str(res)10人名单#> $ beta: num[1:18, 1:30] 8.529 0.738 0.702 0.13 0.253…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:18] "macrophages" "mast" "B.naive" "B.memory" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ sigmas: num[1:18, 1:18, 1:30] 2.9734 -0.0203 -0.0168 -0.018 0.0122…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 3个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:18] "macrophages" "mast" "B.naive" "B.memory" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:18] "macrophages" "mast" "B.naive" "B.memory" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ yhat: num[1:544, 1:30] 59.58 1.68 29.7 2.35 2.15…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:544] "A2M" "ABCB1" "ACP5" "ADAM12" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...# > $渣油:num[1:544, 1:30) -1.794 0.287 -0.19 -0.879 0.51……# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:544] "A2M" "ABCB1" "ACP5" "ADAM12" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ p: num [1:18, 1:30] 7.57e-07 6.22e-03 5.75e-01 9.29e-01 5.22e-01…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:18] "macrophages" "mast" "B.naive" "B.memory" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ t: num[1:18, 1:30] 4.9461 2.7357 0.5601 0.0889 0.64…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:18] "macrophages" "mast" "B.naive" "B.memory" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ se: num[1:18, 1:30] 1.724 0.27 1.253 1.459 0.396…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:18] "macrophages" "mast" "B.naive" "B.memory" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ prop_of_all: num[1:18, 1:30] 0.4078 0.0353 0.0336 0.0062 0.0121…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:18] "macrophages" "mast" "B.naive" "B.memory" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ prop_of_nontumor: num[1:18, 1:30] 0.4078 0.0353 0.0336 0.0062 0.0121…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:18] "macrophages" "mast" "B.naive" "B.memory" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ X: num[1:544, 1:18] 0.74124 0.00185 3.09289 0.01374 0.11294…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:544] "A2M" "ABCB1" "ACP5" "ADAM12" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:18] "macrophages" "mast" "B.naive" "B.memory" ...
的热图(res$β,cexCol =0.5,cexRow =0.7,利润=c(10,7))
str(safeTME.matches)#> 14个#巨噬细胞:CHR "macrophages"#> $ mast: CHR "mast"#> $ B: chr [1:2] "B.naive" "B.memory"#> $ plasma: CHR "plasma"#> $ cd4.t。cells : chr [1:2] "T.CD4.naive" "T.CD4.memory"#> $ cd8.t。cells : chr [1:2] "T.CD8.naive" "T.CD8.memory"#> $ NK: chr "NK"# bb0 $ pDC: chr "pDCs"# $ mDCs: chr "mDCs"#> $ monocyte: chr [1:2] " moncells . c " " moncells . nc . i "#中性粒细胞:CHR "neutrophils"#> $ Treg: chr "Treg"#内皮细胞。cells: chr "endothelial.cells"#> $ fibroblasts: CHR "fibroblasts"
#载体识别纯肿瘤片段:$istumor =(annot$AOI.name= =“肿瘤”) annot#运行spatialdecon所有的铃铛和口哨:spatialdecon(规范=规范,#规范化数据 restils =生=生,#原始数据,用于降低低计数观测的权重bg =bg,# norm中每个数据点的预期背景计数X =safeTME,# safeTME矩阵,默认使用cellmerges =safeTME.matches,# safeTME。匹配对象,默认使用cell_counts =annot$核,#细胞核计数,用于估计细胞总数is_pure_tumor =annot$istumor,#肿瘤片段的识别/观察结果n_tumor_clusters =5)#在safeTME上添加多少不同的肿瘤概况str(restils)#> 14个#> $ beta: num[1:14, 1:30] 4.9748 0.44963 0.00666 0 0.51277…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:14] "macrophages" "mast" "B" "plasma" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ yhat: num[1:544, 1:30] 26.66 2.55 23.19 1.59 2.55…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:544] "A2M" "ABCB1" "ACP5" "ADAM12" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ resds: num[1:544, 1:30] -0.633 -0.316 0.167 -0.319 0.263…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:544] "A2M" "ABCB1" "ACP5" "ADAM12" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...# > $ p: num(一14,1:30)2.39 9.79 8.46 e-09 e-05 e-01 1.00 - 7.18 e-01……# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:14] "macrophages" "mast" "B" "plasma" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ t: num[1:14, 1:30] 5.9688 3.9311 0.0266 0 0.3609…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:14] "macrophages" "mast" "B" "plasma" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ se: num[1:14, 1:30] 0.833 0.114 0.25 0.149 1.421…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:14] "macrophages" "mast" "B" "plasma" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ beta。Granular: num[1:23, 1:30] 4.9748 0.44963 0.00666 00…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:23] "macrophages" "mast" "B.naive" "B.memory" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ sigma。Granular: num[1:23, 1:23, 1:30] 0.694663 -0.002567 -0.000412 0.002024 -0.00123…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 3个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:23] "macrophages" "mast" "B.naive" "B.memory" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:23] "macrophages" "mast" "B.naive" "B.memory" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ sigma: num[1:14, 1:14, 1:30] 0.69466 -0.00257 0.00161 -0.00123 0.05047…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 3个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:14] "macrophages" "mast" "B" "plasma" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:14] "macrophages" "mast" "B" "plasma" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ prop_of_all: num[1:14, 1:30] 0.54558 0.04931 0.00073 0 0.05624…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:14] "macrophages" "mast" "B" "plasma" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ prop_of_nontumor: num[1:14, 1:30] 0.54558 0.04931 0.00073 0 0.05624…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:14] "macrophages" "mast" "B" "plasma" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ cell。counts :List of 2# > . .$cells.per.100: num [1:14, 1:30] 20.211 1.827 0.027 0 2.083 ...#> .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. .. ..$:chr [1:14] "macrophages" "mast" "B" "plasma" ...#> .. .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...# > . .$cell.counts:num [1:14, 1:30] 177.659 16.057 0.238 0 18.312 ...#> .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. .. ..$:chr [1:14] "macrophages" "mast" "B" "plasma" ...#> .. .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ cell.counts粒状的:2个列表# > . .$cells.per.100: num [1:18, 1:30] 20.211 1.827 0.027 0 0 ...#> .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. .. ..$:chr [1:18] "macrophages" "mast" "B.naive" "B.memory" ...#> .. .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...# > . .$cell.counts:num [1:18, 1:30] 177.659 16.057 0.238 0 0 ...#> .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. .. ..$:chr [1:18] "macrophages" "mast" "B.naive" "B.memory" ...#> .. .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ X: num[1:544, 1:23] 0.74124 0.00185 3.09289 0.01374 0.11294…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:544] "A2M" "ABCB1" "ACP5" "ADAM12" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:23] "macrophages" "mast" "B.naive" "B.memory" ...
的热图(扫描(restils$X,1,应用(restils$X,1max),“/”),labRow =NA,利润=c(10,5))
票面价值(mfrow =c(2,3.))票面价值(3月=c(5,7,2,1))为(我在seq_len(6)) {rownames(res$β)[我] 细胞=情节(res$β[细胞,],静息器$β。颗粒细胞,,xlab =paste0(细胞,“基本设置下的分数”),ylab =paste0(细胞,肿瘤时评分\ n细胞被建模"),pch =16,坳=c(rgb(0,0,1,0.5),rgb(1,0,0,0.5)) (1+annot$istumor),xlim =范围(c(res$β[细胞,],静息器$β。颗粒(细胞))),ylim =范围(c(res$β[细胞,],静息器$β。颗粒(细胞))))abline(0,1)如果(我= =1){传说(“topleft”,pch =16,坳=c(rgb(0,0,1,0.5),rgb(1,0,0,0.5)),传说=c(“microenv。”,“肿瘤”)) } }
#作为参考,显示绘图函数使用的TILs颜色数据对象#当使用了safeTME时:数据(“cellcols”) cellcols# > CD4.T。cells CD8.T.cells Treg T.CD4.naive#>“红色”“耐火砖”“#FF66FF”“#CC0000”# > T.CD4。内存T.CD8。天真T.CD8。内存NK#> "#FF0000" "#FF6633" "#FF9900" "grey10"#> B.naive B.memory plasma#>“深蓝色”“#000099”“#0000FF”“#3399CC”pDC pDCs巨噬细胞单核细胞#>“# 00ffff”“# 00ffff”“#006600”“# 33cc00”单核细胞是中性粒细胞#>“# 66cc66”“# 33cc00”“# 00ff00”“# 9966cc”肥大成纤维细胞内皮细胞。细胞肿瘤#> "# ffff00 " "#999999" "#996633" "#333333"#只显示TME片段,因为那是免疫细胞所在的地方:布局(垫=(矩阵(c(1,2),1)),宽度=c(7,3.))TIL_barplot(restils$cell.counts$cell.counts,draw_legend =真正的,cex.names =0.5)
#或单元格的比例:TIL_barplot(restils$prop_of_nontumor [, annot$AOI.name= =“开心”],draw_legend =真正的,cex.names =0.75)
归一化数据的# PCA:prcomp(t(log2(pmax(规范,1))))$x (,c(1,2)] 电脑=#运行floret函数票面价值(3月=c(5,5,1,1))布局(垫=(矩阵(c(1,2),1)),宽度=c(6,2))小花(x =个人电脑(1],y =个人电脑(2],b =restils$β,cex =2,xlab =“PC1”,ylab =“PC2”)票面价值(3月=c(0,0,0,0))框架()传说(“中心”,填补=cellcols [rownames(restils$β),传说=rownames(restils$β),cex =0.7)
当两种细胞类型太相似时,对它们丰度的估计就变得不稳定。然而,它们的总和仍然可以很容易地估计出来。函数" collapseCellTypes "接受一个反褶积结果对象,并折叠你告诉它的任何紧密相关的单元格类型:
列表() 匹配的=$骨髓=c(“巨噬细胞”,“单核细胞”,“mDCs”) 匹配$T.NK =c(“CD4.T.cells”,“CD8.T.cells”,“Treg”,“朝鲜”) 匹配$B =c(“B”) 匹配$桅杆=c(“桅杆”) 匹配$中性粒细胞=c(“中性粒细胞”) 匹配$基质=c(“endothelial.cells”,“成纤维细胞”) 匹配collapseCellTypes(适合=restils, 崩溃=匹配的=匹配)的热图(崩溃$β,cexRow =0.85,cexCol =0.75)
$AOI.name= =“肿瘤” pure.tumor.ids =annotmergeTumorIntoX(规范=规范, safeTME.with.tumor =bg =bg,pure_tumor_ids =pure.tumor.ids,X =safeTME,K =3.)的热图(扫描(safeTME.with.tumor1,应用(safeTME.with.tumor1max),“/”),labRow =NA,利润=c(10,5))
reverseDecon(规范=规范, rdecon =β=res$β)str(rdecon)#> 5个的列表#> $ coefs: num[1:545, 1:19] 1.443 1.312 0 0.683 0.976…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:545] "A2M" "ABCB1" "ACP5" "ADAM12" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:19] "(Intercept)" "macrophages" "mast" "B.naive" ...#> $ yhat: num[1:545, 1:30] 17.47 2.44 32.39 1.11 2.86…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:545] "A2M" "ABCB1" "ACP5" "ADAM12" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $渣子:num[1:545, 1:30] -0.0237 -0.2567 -0.3155 0.2016 0.0978…# > . .- attr(*, "dimnames")= 2个列表#> .. ..$:chr [1:545] "A2M" "ABCB1" "ACP5" "ADAM12" ...#> .. ..$:chr [1:30] "ROI10TME" "ROI10Tumor" "ROI11TME" "ROI11Tumor" ...#> $ cors: Named num[1:545] 0.869 0.552 0.961 0.916 0.909…# > . .- attr(*,“名字”)=(1:545)从而向“A2M”种代号为ABCB1的“”“ACP5”“ADAM12”…#> $渣滓。sd: Named num[1:545] 0.364 0.233 0.386 0.33 0.196…# > . .- attr(*,“名字”)=(1:545)从而向“A2M”种代号为ABCB1的“”“ACP5”“ADAM12”…#看残差:的热图(pmax(pmin(rdecon$残油,2),-2))
#看看适合度的两个指标:情节(rdecon$歌珥,rdecon$resid.sd,坳=0)c(“CXCL14”,“LYZ”,“NKG7”) showgenes =文本(rdecon$歌珥(setdiff(的名字(rdecon$歌珥)、showgenes)),$resid.sd [setdiff(的名字(rdecon$歌珥)、showgenes)), rdeconsetdiff(的名字(rdecon$歌珥),showgenes),cex =0.5)文本(rdecon$歌珥showgenes, rdecon$resid.sd [showgenes],cex =0.75,坳=2) showgenes,
sessionInfo()开发中(不稳定)(22-10-25 r83175)x86_64-pc-linux-gnu(64位)#>运行在Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS下# >#>矩阵产品:默认值#> BLAS: /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bio /R/lib/libRblas.so . txt#> LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ LAPACK / liblpack .so.3.10.0# ># >语言环境:#> [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US。utf - 8 LC_NUMERIC = C#> [3] LC_TIME=en_GB LC_COLLATE=C#> [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US。utf - 8 LC_MESSAGES = en_US。utf - 8#> [7] LC_PAPER=en_US。utf - 8 LC_NAME = C#> [9] lc_address = c lc_telephone = c#> [11] LC_MEASUREMENT=en_US。utf - 8 LC_IDENTIFICATION = C# >#>附加基础包:#> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base# >#>其他附件:SeuratObject_4.1.2 SpatialDecon_1.9.0# >#>通过命名空间加载(不附加):#> [1] DBI_1.1.3 bitops_1.0-7 rgeos_0.5-9#> [4] readxl_1.4.1 rlang_1.0.6 magrittr_2.0.3#>[7]编译器:systemfonts_1.0.4#>[10]重塑2_1.4.4 string_1 .4.1 pkgconfig_2.0.3# fastmap_1.1.0 XVector_0.39.0#> [16] utf8_1.2.2 rmarkdown_2.17 nloptr_2.0.3#> [19] ggbeeswarm_0.6.0 purrr_0.3.5 xfun_0.34#> [22] repmis_0.5 zlibbioc_1.45.0 cachem_1.0.6# GenomeInfoDb_1.35.0 jsonlite_1.8.3 EnvStats_2.7.0#> [28] highr_0.9 reshape_0.8.9 uuid_1.1-0#> [31] parallel_4.3.0 R6_2.5.1 bslib_0.4.0#> [34] stringi_1.7.8 rcolorbrewer_1 . 3 - GGally_2.1.2#> [37] parallelelly_1.32.1 boot_1.3-28 jquerylib_0.1.4#> [40]#> [43] assertthat_0.2.1 knitr_1.40 future.apply_1.9.1R.utils_2.12.1 IRanges_2.33.0 Matrix_1.5-1#> [49] splines_4.3.0 R.cache_0.16.0 tidyselect_1.2.0#> [52] yaml_2.3.6 codetools_0.2-18 curl_4.3.3#> [55] listenv_0.8.0 lattice_0.20-45 tibble_3.1.8#> [58] lmertest_1 . 3 -3 plyr_1.8.7 Biobase_2.59.0#> [61] evaluate_0.17 future_1.28.0 Biostrings_2.67.0#> [64] pillar_1.8.1 stats4_4.3.0 generics_0.1.3#> [67] RCurl_1.98-1.9 S4Vectors_0.37.0 ggplot_2 .3.6#> [70] munsell_1 .5.0 scales_1.2.1 minqa_1.2.5#> [73] globals_0.16.1 glue_1.6.2 pheatmap_1.0.12#> [76] tools_4.3.0 GeomxTools_3.3.0 data.table_1.14.4#> [79] lme4_1.1-31 ggiraph_0.8.3 grid_4.3.0#> [82] colorspace_2.0-3 nlme_1 .1-160 GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.9#> [85] beeswarm_0.4.0 logNormReg_0.5-0 vipor_0.4.5#> [88] cli_3.4.1 fansi_1.0.3 ggthemes_4.2.4#> [91] dplyr_1.0.10 gtable_0.3.1 R.methodsS3_1.8.2#> [94] NanoStringNCTools_1.7.0 sass_0.4.2 digest_0.6.30#> [97] progressr_0.11.0 BiocGenerics_0.45.0 rjson_0.2.21#> [100] htmlwidgets_1.5.4 htmltools_0.5.3 r.o oo_1.25.0#> [103] lifecycle_1.0.3 httr_1.4.4 MASS_7.3-58.1