在版本1.16.0 -------------------------重大用户可见的变化' get_cre_orcid '和' orcid_table '允许查询ORCID API以获得关于其ORCID被记录在' DESCRIPTION '文件(@vjcitn)的维护者的信息。' biocBuildEmail '现在允许' to '维护者电子邮件覆盖' cc '和' bcc '输入。o默认参数“buildPkgDependencyDataFrame”已更改为与“tools::package_dependencies”相匹配,这更适合于识别“强”依赖(@vjcitn, #55)。o ' latestPkgStats ', ' activitySince ', ' pkgDownloadRank '是设计来拉包统计从GitHub API使用' gh '包或从Bioconductor。它们在向资助机构报告时特别有用。版本1.12.0的变化-------------------------新功能o ' biocRevDepEmail '发送电子邮件给几个下游的维护者,通知他们一个已弃用的包。o ' biocBuildEmail '允许使用' inst '文件夹中的模板通知弃用。使用' templatePath() '按位置查看可用模板。o ' PackageStatus '通过检查' meat-index '来指示一个包是否被指定为'Deprecation'。dcf的文件。o ' pkgDownloadStats '提供特定包的下载统计表。BUG FIXES o ' biocbuilreport '指的是BBS构建报告的硬编码版本,对应于所做的更改。 o `biocDownloadStats` includes all types of Bioconductor packages o `biocBuildReport` improved to work on old-rel, release, and devel Bioconductor versions CHANGES IN VERSION 1.10.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o `biocPkgRanges` allows for easy identification of package statuses from the build report for a specified range of packages (ordered alphabetically) o `biocBuildEmail` provides core-team functionality for sending email notifications to package maintainers SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o `biocBuildEmail` allows for saving a credentials file for email authentication via the `credFile` argument o `setCache` uses `tools::R_user_dir("BiocPkgTools", "cache")` instead of `rappdirs::user_cache_dir` BUG FIXES o `biocBuildReport` accounts for some packages whose `DESCRIPTION` file is malformed o `biocBuildReport` updated to changes in the build report format CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Add HTML Package Report template as RStudio rmarkdown template to quickly generate overviews of package stats for grants, etc. o Add parent terms to biocViews to support better search and browse by term BUG FIXES o Fix small css bug that caused paragraph tag mis-rendering in vignettes when biocExplore() used. o Completed list column extraction for all list columns in biocPkgList CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Bioc release date: 2018-10-31