版本1.51.1的更改--------------------------------用户可见更改:o移除MZDATA支持后,移动到MZML和VIGNETTEin mzR CHANGES IN VERSION 1.47.1 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o Thanks to Lain (INRAe) and Team W4M for this PR, fixing参数传递到版本1.45.2中的AntotatedDiffReport()更改----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------》中的错误修复了o sebastien hutinet @shutinet修复了加合物CF3COOH的质量。在单位测试中包括相应的更改。Closes #61 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.43.2 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o Change several && causing failure with _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_CONDITION_ and _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_CONDITION_ CHANGES IN VERSION 1.43.1 ---------------------------------错误修复o改进Vignette布局和修复错字,这要归功于Anton Nikolas Waniek版本1.41.1的更改 --------------------------------新功能:o允许FindAdducts替代Intval(感谢Sunil Dhakad)版本1.39.2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------错误修复o修复版本1.33.3中的重复Vignette名称更改-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------错误修复o修复GetPeakList无法正确拉出隆隆声,关闭#22,这要归功于Jan Stanstrup版本1.33.2的更改------------------------------------------------------------------------错误修复o修复getPeakList,更新的getRedudspeaklist(),这要归功于克里斯蒂安·彼得斯(Kristian Peters)的更改1.33.1 -------------------------------------------------------------- 新功能:o在getPeakList(J。stanstrup)中允许匹配的替代工具从GroupCorr到Calccas(J。S)tantrup)o getRedcatePeakList返回每个PSPEC的强度一个强度(K。PETERS)版本1.29.2的更改------------------------------------------------------错误修复了o修复构建问题和Vignette编码(再次)版本1.29的更改。2 -----------------------------------错误修复o修复构建问题和Vignette编码版本1.29.1中的更改----------------------------------------新功能:o添加功能findisotopeswithvalidation in版本1.27.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------错误修复o修复了描述中的imports,以避免使用版本1.25.3中的xcms :: group()更改。-- BUG FIXES o Disabled Rmpi support and usage in the unit tests, which lead to timeouts on BioC build farm CHANGES IN VERSION 1.25.3 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o Fix parallel processing with SNOW CHANGES IN VERSION 1.25.2 ------------------------- USER VISIBLE CHANGES: + Disabled Rmpi support and usage on Windows CHANGES IN VERSION 1.25.1 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o Fix the import of the igraph methods, because it also exported a groups function. Solves the error "Error in x$membership : $ operator not defined for this S4 class" CHANGES IN VERSION 1.23.2 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o Fix bug in generateRules() if no ions matching the polarity are provided explicitly CHANGES IN VERSION 1.23.1 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o Fix bug in generateRules() with empty neutraladditions CHANGES IN VERSION 1.20.1 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Added possibility to pass cor_exp_th from annotateDiffreport to groupCorr() CHANGES IN VERSION 1.20.0 ------------------------- SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Version bump for BioC release CHANGES IN VERSION 1.19.1 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o Fixed bug in the generateRules function, where in the negative mode rules with polycharged positve ions are not created CHANGES IN VERSION 1.15.5 ------------------------- SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o MPI Version of findAdducts() should now consume a lot less memory then before CHANGES IN VERSION 1.15.4 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o findKendrickMass() now allows negative retention time windows, essentially allowing homologous series of losses CHANGES IN VERSION 1.15.1 -------------------------- BUG FIXES o Fix in findIsotopes, where sometime peak with huge m/z differences where annotated as isotopes CHANGES IN VERSION 1.13.9 ------------------------- SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o findNeutralLossSpecs and findNeutral now accepts multiple masses and use correctly the ppm error BUG FIXES o Memory fix in groupCorr if all peaks are contained in one group. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.13.8 ------------------------- SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Add igraph package to the dependencies BUG FIXES o Fix for groupCorr with graphMethod="lpc", with a igraph library > 0.6 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.13.7 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o Fixed problem in findIsotopes with a previous grouped single sample xcmsSet CHANGES IN VERSION 1.13.6 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o Fixed problem in findAdducts where higher nM+x annotations were erroneous deleted o Fixed problem in combinexsAnnos, which produces a "subscript out of bounds " error CHANGES IN VERSION 1.13.5 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o Fixed problem "Error in data.frame(...)" in findAdducts when using polarity = negative