版本1.21.4重大的用户可见更改的更改 - 文档网站现在可以在http://leekgroup.github.io/derfinderplot/上获得。它通过使用GitHub Action和PKGDOWN上的Master Branch(Bioc-Devel)上的每个提交进行更新。版本1.21.3的更改重大的用户可见更改 - 借助STYLER :: style_pkg(),所有示例中的代码都已重新安装,请参见DEV/02_UPDATE.R。有关详细信息。版本1.21.2的更改重大的用户可见更改 - 通过UsEthis从Travis转换为GitHub动作。- 使用PKGDOWN自动构建文档网站。- 添加了DEV/01_SETUP.R脚本。- 现在使用readme.rmd文件。版本1.21.1的更改重要的用户可见更改 - 使用GenomeInfodb :: getChrominfromucsc(),而不是Biovizbase :: HG19 IDEXIDEMOMPON的数据,以获取HG19染色体长度。版本1.19.3重大可见更改的更改 - 添加了一个新闻.md文件以跟踪包装的更改。版本1.17.2的更改新功能 - 在//www.andersvercelli.com/developers/package-guidelines/#description 1.15.1中的重大用户可2021欧洲杯体育投注开户见更改中的更改 - 使用BiocManager更改版本1. BUG FIXES - Fixed an issue in plotCluster() on how it was loading the hg19IdeogramCyto object from the biovizBase package. Changes in version 1.13.4 BUG FIXES - Fixed an issue with a call to GenomicRanges::gaps() that affected how the introns were plotting in plotRegionCoverage() when the underlying data has a specifying start and end of the chromosome (that is, a seqinfo() with seqlengths specified). Thanks to Emily E Burke for reporting this issue https://github.com/emilyburke. Changes in version 1.11.2 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES - Vignette now uses the new BiocStyle::html_document() that was recently released. Changes in version 1.7.10 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES - Help pages now document advanced arguments. Changes in version 1.7.8 BUG FIXES - Updated links to BrainSpan. Issue reported by Steve Semick https://github.com/SteveSemick. Changes in version 1.7.1 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES - Dropped defunct functions. Changes in version 1.5.8 BUG FIXES - plotRegionCoverage() used to take into account the strand of the regions for finding transcripts that overlapped the regions. This was not a problem with DERs from derfinder since they have strand * by default but it is a problem when using it with stranded regions. - plotCluster() will also now ignore strand for finding neighboring regions. Changes in version 1.5.4 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES - Only use distance if it's not NA in plotRegionCoverage() Changes in version 1.3.4 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES - Dropped tMatrix() because it was a confusing plot and also lead to build errors. Changes in version 1.3.3 NEW FEATURES - Added the function tMatrix() which uses a GRanges object that has a variable of interest to compute t-Statistics between bins of the genome. For each bin, the values of the variable of interest from the regions overlapping the bin are used. We use t-Statistics instead of correlation because not all bins will have the same number of regions. This type of plot is similar to interaction plots made for HiC data. Changes in version 1.3.2 NEW FEATURES - Added the vennRegions() function to visualize how many regions overlap known exons, introns, intergenic regions, none of them or several of these groups. Changes in version 1.3.1 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES - Deprecated functions with underscores in their names in favor of camelCase functions. This was done to simplify the package. Changes in version 1.1.6 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES - Adapted to work with bumphunter version >= 1.7.6 Changes in version 1.1.3 BUG FIXES - Adapted plotCluster() and plotOverview() to derfinder 1.1.5 Changes in version 0.99.0 NEW FEATURES - Preparing to submit to Bioconductor. - Added tests and vignette. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES - plotOverview() and plotCluster() can now plot FWER adjusted p-values if calculated with derfinder::mergeResults() Changes in version 0.0.4 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES - Hid some arguments in plotCluster() and plotOverview() as advanced just like in derfinder v0.0.74 BUG FIXES - Improved the speed in plotRegionCoverage() then txdb is specified. Also fixed the introns on the gene track. Changes in version 0.0.3 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES - plotRegionCoverage() now has a txdb argument. When specified, this function will extract the transcript information needed and display the transcripts. Changes in version 0.0.1 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES - Moved plotting functions from derfinder into this package