版本1.2.0的更改 - 更改了1.1.5版的Prop Action更改 - 修复了具有非标准字符的特征名称和COL名称的问题。版本1.1.4中的更改 - 删除plot_hexbin_meta*的NAS的选项。版本1.1.3的更改 - 更新了Vignettes和示例代码以合并更改。- 添加了双变量绘图功能。版本1.1.2的更改 - 对小插图的更改,以符合1.1.1版的Seurat更改 - 弃用plot_hexbin_gene。- 更新plot_hexbin_feature用于使用所有功能,包括基因。- 引入plot_hexbin_fc用于折叠更改可视化。- 介绍plot_hexbin_meta_plus和plot_hexbin_feature_plus绘制集群轮廓。- 引入plot_hexbin_meta_shiny,plot_hexbin_feature_shiny和plot_hexbin_dense_shiny用于交互式可视化。- 改变了内部结构。- 更新的小插图。 - Included two new vignettes. - New README. Changes in version 1.0.0 - Bioconductor release Changes in version 0.99.8 - Fixed typos in vignettes. Changes in version 0.99.7 - Changed sapply to vapply in utility-function. Changes in version 0.99.6 - Changed the link from Seurat to Seurat-class. Changes in version 0.99.5 - Fixed error introduced through merge conflict. Changes in version 0.99.4 - Fixed typos in vignettes. - Added explanation of ggplot connection to vignettes. - Added explanation for interactivity in iSEE to vignette. - Fixed global variables. - Fixed documentation in plot_hexbin_gene. - Reformatted news. - Added packages to suggests in description. Changes in version 0.99.3 - Minimal functioning package created. - Mostly compliant with BiocCheck::BiocCheck() and goodpractice::goodpractice().